STILLPOINT Archive: last updated 11/11/2015

Hunt and Melkonian-Hoover Receive Distinguished Faculty Awards

Each year at Commencement two faculty members are honored for their teaching, scholarship, and service. This year, Associate Professor Ruth Melkonian-Hoover, who chairs the Department of Political Science, received the Junior Distinguished Faculty Award. Professor of New Testament Steven Hunt received the Senior Distinguished Faculty Award. 

Dr. Melkonian-Hoover, who also directs the international affairs program, is a sought-after speaker and scholar on evangelical perspectives regarding one of the country’s most polarizing issues: immigration.

She has published articles on Latin American evangelicals’ attitudes toward U.S. foreign policy, and her essay “Better Late than Never: Evangelicals and Comprehensive Immigration Reform” appears in Is the Good Book Good Enough? Evangelical Perspectives on Public Policy, edited by David K. Ryden. 

Since joining the faculty in 2001, Dr. Hunt has, in the words of a colleague, “stirred up a love for the New Testament for a generation of Gordon students through his passionate teaching.” 

In just the past five years, Dr. Hunt has authored Rewriting the Feeding of Five Thousand and edited two major volumes: Perspectives on Our Father Abraham, in honor of his colleague Marv Wilson, and Character Studies in the Fourth Gospel, which represents the most thorough study of characters and characterization in the Gospel of John ever published. 

