STILLPOINT Archive: last updated 11/16/2010

Giving as a Calling

In many ways my time at Gordon gave me a strong foundation for entering the “real world.” Whether it was conversations with professors who invested in me or roommates who cared, people at Gordon challenged me in my faith and how to live that out on a daily basis.
—Dawn (Kuzmak) Bosland ’01

It didn’t take long for Dawn ’01 and her husband, Jonathan, to decide to give to Gordon. In fact, the year after she graduated they became Partners. So why do they give?

“God calls each of us to give a portion of what is already His back to Him. For us that means giving first to our local church and also to other organizations important to us, including Gordon College,” explain the Boslands. “We understand a college education isn’t affordable to everyone, and we want to play a part in lessening the financial burden. It’s a blessing to hear about students who are able to attend Gordon because of The Partners Program.”

The Boslands give to Partners because they know Gordon provides a high quality education in a Christian environment—two things very important to both of them. “No student should ever feel Gordon may not be within their financial reach. If we can make even a small difference to help students afford a Gordon education, it’s well worth it!”

The Partners Program
The Partners Program provides scholarship support to financially deserving students. Every dollar raised through Partners is awarded directly to students who would not be here without it. These students are studying to serve and lead in every career field, including the sciences, the arts, education, ministry, health care, social services, computer technology, etc.

If you’d like to make a gift to Gordon, contact:
Elsje Zwart, major gifts officer