STILLPOINT Archive: last updated 03/20/2009

In Focus: Alumni Books

Designed by God, by Regina (Smith) Franklin ’95, encourages honest talk about beauty, modesty and self-image among young women, challenging them to live out life as treasured children, pointing them back to Christ (Discovery House Publishers, January 2007).

Kay (Thorpe) Bannon ’71 wrote How Gimble Gopher Tortoise Found a New Home (DST Creative, June 2008), a story about a displaced, endangered, ancient reptile who goes on a journey filled with adventure and hope, to a new place.

With The Beloved Community: How Faith Shapes Social Justice, from the Civil Rights Movement to Today (Basic Books, August 2006), Charles Marsh ’81 lays out an exuberant vision for Christian activism and simultaneously reclaims the centrality of faith in the quest for social justice.

Marc A. Pitman ’95 recently published Ask without Fear! A Simple Guide to Connecting Donors with What Matters to Them Most (Executive Books, April 2008). This book was written to make fundraising less daunting for nonprofit board members, employees and volunteers.

Contact the Authors
Regina  |  [email protected]
Kay  |  [email protected]
Charles  |  [email protected]
Marc  |  [email protected] _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Order Your Copy
All books are available online or through local bookstores. How Gimble Gopher Tortoise Found a New Home is available at The Bookstore in Gloucester, Massachusetts, Toad Hall Bookstore in Rockport, Massachusetts, and PayPal via


Designed By God
How Gimble Gopher Tortoise Found a New Home
The Beloved Community: How Faith Shapes Social Justice, from the Civil Rights Movement to Today
Ask without Fear! A Simple Guide to Connecting Donors with What Matters to Them Most