STILLPOINT Archive: last updated 04/16/2008

Inspiration | Mark Stowell

Mark Stowell, assistant director of Physical Plant, received the inaugural Provost's Award along with Ann Seavey, director of the Academic Support Center. The new award seeks to honor staff members who have contributed significantly to students' education and personal development.

Of Stowell, Provost Mark Sargent says, "He is someone who works tirelessly, often behind the scenes, to care for both the physical environment and the spiritual vitality of the College. It is a spirit evident in more than a dozen years of teaching Discovery classes and promoting stewardship through Restore Creation activities. It is a spirit that prompts him to rescue drivers on the side of the road, to go to many weddings and funerals, and to listen to countless students as they wrestle through tough issues and search for their purpose and calling. Perhaps most of all it is a spirit that invigorates his leadership of Mexico Outreach, the program that he helped found in 1996. For more than a decade he has planned the trips, established relationships with churches and organizations in Tijuana, counseled students on the journey and cared for orphans. Throughout it all he has led by example, not only teaching but also often becoming the first on his team to wash dishes for the orphans and workers."  

"Today is one of those perfect fall days that remind me why I love New England. The trees are starting to change, the sky is clear and the air is crisp. I am catching the end of a soccer game, reflecting on how much has happened in my years at Gordon. Many of these changes have at least my fingerprint on them, if not my whole hand--from the old Magnolia tree I planted for Dr. Dent 20 years ago to the recent renovations of Frost Hall. Yet I've also had many amazing experiences away from campus, wonderful times of interaction with students. The classroom is essential but learning goes on in a thousand places. It's those times of growth and shared experiences that make me a believer in all we do here. As I enjoy my 28th fall at Gordon, I want my faith to be active and well-informed, with a global perspective and thriving in community--which Gordon allows us the freedom to do."

Mark Stowell
Assistant Director of Physical Plant

Sugarloaf Mountain
I recall singing praise songs atop Sugarloaf Mountain on a camping trip with a Discovery class. There were powerful times with many classes telling life stories around a campfire along the Ammonoosuc River.

Forever in my mind: clowning and miming in the streets outside Mexico City; building a home in Tecate. And the kids at La Casa de Esperanza, an orphanage in Tijuana--lives were changed as we in Mexico Outreach wrestled with God over tough questions. 

Restore Creation
I'm proud of our environmental concern and enjoy our "Restore Creation" efforts most when the students are equally passionate. We have made a difference in sustainability, and many faculty, staff and students have done their part.

Working at Gordon encourages spending time with family. Thirty-one years of marriage, a daughter that graduated from here and another that works here will attest to the difference it has made in my life.


Mark Stowell