STILLPOINT Archive: last updated 05/25/2012

Thanks for the Memories

Several months ago Don Baron ’53 sent STILLPOINT a letter: “I am still overflowing with memories of my Gordon days,” he wrote. “Recently my mind has been on Prof. Charles Matheson, that dynamic leader who so beautifully shaped the Gordon College Choir.” (see story).

Post-Gordon, Don has been a seminarian, a grad student at Yale, missionary in Taiwan, parish pastor (LCMS) in Florida and Hawaii, founder of Chinese Lutheran Church of Honolulu, and director of the Bible Institute of Hawaii.

Now 80, Pastor Don offers these thoughts in an excerpt from an essay, “Alien Righteousness”: “Should I live to be a hundred, I shall have added nothing to the righteousness credited to me in the perfect life and atoning death of my Savior! My right standing with God is pure gift; it is an ‘alien’ righteousness, as Luther called it. Or as Paul put it, ‘. . . not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the Law, but . . . the righteousness that comes from God’ (Phil. 3:9). Or, as the hymnist puts it: ‘Dressed in His righteousness alone, faultless to stand before the throne.’ At the great Wedding Feast, I shall wear, not my own polluted garment, but the special garment presented by the Host Himself.”

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Don Baron