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Biblical Studies and Christian Ministries Faculty

The faculty members of the department have earned degrees from a variety of scholarly backgrounds. They bring experiences in pastoral ministry, research, scholarship and world travel and seek to serve you not only in the classroom, but also informally through life together at Gordon.


Sharon Ketcham

Dean, School of Ministry, Theology and Biblical Studies
Professor of Theology and Christian Ministries

Sharon Galgay Ketcham is professor of theology and Christian ministries at Gordon College in Massachusetts. She earned her Ph.D. in theology and education from Boston College. Sharon’s two decades of experience in ministry include serving the local church, researching, writing, teaching, and mentoring. As a practical theologian, she is a scholar for the Church and invites people to reflect theologically on lived Christian faith. She is the ... more ➔

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photo of Andrew Breton

Andrew Breton

Director of Dokes Ministry Scholars
Director of Strategic Partnerships

Andrew Breton is the Director of the Dokes Ministry Scholars and oversees strategic partnerships for the college with churches, ministries, and camps. He teaches in the areas of leadership and management. Before coming to Gordon, Andrew served for close to a decade in pastoral ministry. Andrew also worked for Harvard Business Publishing in implementing leadership development solutions for clients like Canon, American Express, Lloyds Bank and UNICEF. ... more ➔

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Mark Cannister

Professor of Christian Ministries

Mark Cannister is the author of Teenagers Matter: Making Student Ministry a Priority in the Church (Baker Academic), and a contributing author to Teaching the Next Generations: A Comprehensive Guide for Teaching Christian Formation  ... more ➔

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Jeffrey García

Jeffrey García

Associate Professor of Biblical Studies

Dr. García specializes in the New Testament, especially the Gospels, and Greco-Roman Jewish literature. He holds a PhD in Hebrew and Judaic Studies from New York University where he studied under the direction of Lawrence Schiffman. Jeffrey was the former Associate Professor of New Testament and Second Temple Literature at Nyack College, NYC,, prior to its unfortunate closing. Since 2012, He has worked with the Center for Holy Lands Studies as a teaching guide in Israel, Jordan, Greece, and Turkey for students, church leaders, and lay people. Assisting in excavations and logistics, he is part of the US staff of the El Araj Excavation Project. The site is now the leading contender for the ancient city of Bethsaida (see Luke 9:10).  ... more ➔

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Amy Brown Hughes

Associate Professor of Theology

Amy Brown Hughes received her Ph.D. in historical theology with an emphasis in early Christianity from Wheaton College and is the author (with Lynn H. Cohick, Wheaton College) of Christian Women in the Patristic World: Their Influence, Authority and Legacy in the Second Through Fifth Centuries ... more ➔

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Steve Hunt

Steven Hunt

Professor of New Testament

Born and bred in a windy city out in the mid-west, Steve came to Gordon in 2001. Focusing on the New Testament, he specializes in literary analysis of the Gospel of John and socio-rhetorical approaches to the letters of Paul. He especially enjoys the “intertextual echoes” embedded in all of these texts.

Together with his colleagues, Prof. D. Francois Tolmie (University of the Free State, South Africa) and Prof. Ruben Zimmermann ... more ➔

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Joanna Kline

Assistant Professor of Old Testament

Joanna Greenlee Kline grew up in the beautiful state of Minnesota and majored in Biblical Studies and English at Gordon College as an undergraduate. After college she spent two years teaching English in Russia and traveling throughout Russia, Eastern Europe, and Turkey. Joanna went on to receive an MDiv from Harvard Divinity School and a PhD in Hebrew Bible from Harvard University’s Committee on the Study of Religion. During her time in ... more ➔

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Bil Mooney-McCoy

Bil Mooney-McCoy

Director of Worship

Bil Mooney-McCoy has been overseeing the worship ministry of the Chapel Office since 2013; he joined the BCM faculty as part-time professor in 2022. He has been involved in church-based worship ministry for several decades. Bil has been involved with Young Life for more than twenty years, co-pastored a house church, been the musical director of several large Boston-based worship events, and led workshops and worship for regional, national, and ... more ➔

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Jason Myers

Jason Myers

Professor of New Testament

Before coming to Gordon College, Dr. Jason Myers was Professor of Biblical ... more ➔

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Robert Whittet

Chaplain of the College
Professor of Christian Ministries

Rev Bob Whittet is a professor of Christian ministries and also serves as the Chaplain of Gordon College. During the 2019-20 academic year, he served as the Interim Chaplain before being appointed to the role of Chaplain during the spring of 2020. Bob brings years of ministry experience to his work in the chapel as well as to the classroom with his students. A strong supporter of missions, he has a wealth of knowledge and experience gained leading ... more ➔

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