Teachers who have background knowledge in programming or an interest in teaching computer science may pursue this degree to fulfill the requirements for the new DESE license in Digital Literacy and Computer Science (DLCS). The DLCS license prepares teachers to instruct grades 5-12 and provide their students with the tools necessary to pursue deeper knowledge and ultimately careers in computer science.
EDU520 Teaching Strategies (3) *
EDU528 Disciplinary Literacy and Writing (3) *
EDU562 Human Development and Learning (3)
EDU564 Introduction to Exceptionality (3)
EDU575 Classroom Management and Organization (3)
EDU614 Integrating Technology for All Students (3)
Prerequisite for CPS courses: CPS 501 Introduction to Programming (3) (or equivalent)
CPS520 Object-Oriented Software Development (3)
CPS521 Software Systems (3)
CPS522 Data Structures and Algorithms (3)
CPS603 Computers and Society (3)
EDU589 Practicum and Seminar (3) **
EDU604 Philosophy, Ethics and Teaching (3)
Students are required to take CPS501 Introduction to Programming (3) as a pre-requisite for CPS520 Object-Oriented Software Development (3) if there is no computer science background.
* Indicates courses with a pre-practicum field component, additional hours will be completed prior to the practicum.
** For those seeking licensure in Massachusetts, please complete the following: 1. pass the appropriate tests for the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure before beginning practicum and 2. During the practicum, take EDU641 Sheltered English Immersion (required course for MA state licensure, not part of degree program).