The fastest way to give to Gordon is to make a gift online through your credit card or debit card. This allows you to make a gift or pledge payment in a variety of ways. You may give a one time gift or recurring gift with the option for monthly installments.
You can also call us with your credit card or debit card information at:
(978) 867-4900
Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m EST
Mail checks to:
Gordon College
Development Office
255 Grapevine Road
Wenham, MA 01984-1813
Checks should be made payable to ‘Gordon College’, with a gift designation indicated on the memo line or an accompanying note.
A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a charitable giving vehicle sponsored by a public charity. Giving through a DAF is one of the most popular ways to support your favorite charities.
Gordon accepts appreciated securities, which can offer a larger tax benefit than a cash gift, and wire transfers.
If you are 70 ½ or older you may be eligible to make a gift to Gordon through a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) from your individual retirement account (IRA). Thanks to our partnership with FreeWill, you can make your QCD gift quickly and hassle-free by visting the FreeWill website.
A gift of tangible personal property can be invaluable to students and programs.
Make your gift count more by taking advantage of your company’s matching gift program. Contact your organization to see if you qualify for this match.
Many Gordon College supporters choose to leave a donation in their wills and trusts as an important way to have long-term impact, without any upfront cost during their lifetimes.
The Clarendon Society
The Clarendon Society is a gathering together of faculty, staff, alumni and friends who have impacted the lives of Gordon students through their estate plans, personal wills and family trusts. Their faithfulness and foresight honor our past even as they bless Gordon students now and in the future.
Creating a will:
Making a will is one of the most impactful ways to extend your love and generosity to the causes and people you care about most. Legacy giving isn’t only for the wealthy—gifts of any size are deeply appreciated and have come in sizes ranging from $100 to $1 million. Together, we can continue making an impact for years to come.
Have you already included us in your will? Let us know by filling out this form→
Gordon College employees can make charitable contributions through automatic payroll deductions.
Faculty and staff support not only funds programs around campus, it also demonstrates employee belief in the mission of Gordon College. If you are an employee, the easiest way to give back to the College is by having your charitable gift be deducted from your paycheck. Contact [email protected] to begin your charitable deductions.