The Gordon College chapel program seeks to advance the mission of the College by providing programs that contribute to its educational and spiritual formation aims. As a mandatory part of a student’s Gordon education, the chapel program fills a central part of the co-curricular experience. Because of its nature as a public gathering of the entire College community, the chapel program contributes to the institutional, educational, and spiritual formation goals of the community in unique ways. These contributions may be summarized under the headings of Inspirational Objectives, Instructional Objectives and Institutional Objectives.
The chapel program seeks to provide community members with experiences of worship that rightly ascribe the glory to God due Him and orients worshipers in proper relationship to God and others through:
The chapel program seeks to provide students with exposure to individuals and groups who embody the transformative truth of the Gospel in responsible and relevant ways by:
The chapel program seeks to serve students’ understanding of and appreciation for the diversity of practices of Christian worship as they have found expression throughout history and across cultures and locations by:
The chapel program seeks to increase the students’ understanding and appreciation for the basic doctrines of the Christian faith through:
The chapel program seeks to assist the Office of Student Life in addressing issues relevant to students’ maturation as responsible persons of Christian character by:
The chapel program aims to serve the community by articulating and interpreting the mission of Gordon College through:
The chapel program seeks to provide occasions in which the institutional identity of the College is strengthened and affirmed by:
All students are expected to attend Chapel on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 10:25 a.m. Full-time and part-time students living on campus must receive 30 Chapel credits each semester for a total of 60 credits for the academic year, regardless of work schedule. Commuters are required to receive 15 Chapel credits each semester for a total of 30 for the academic year. Part-time commuters do not have a credit requirement but are still encouraged to attend. Credit is only received for attendance at Morning Chapel on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Evening Chapel on Monday night, and select special Chapel events.
Records of attendance are kept by the Chapel Office and can be viewed at Go.Gordon. Any missing credits must be reported to the Chapel Office within two weeks of the event. All students are expected to remain in good standing with their Chapel credit requirement.
If students have not fulfilled 60 credits at the end of the spring semester, they will be fined based on a sliding scale. Once the fine is paid, students begin with a clean record the following academic year. However, willful noncompliance over multiple years may result in suspension.
Credits Missed | Fine |
1-5 | $25 |
6-10 | $50 |
11-15 | $100 |
16-20 | $150 |
21-25 | $200 |
26 or more | $250 |
Qualifying students may submit a Chapel Credit Reduction Application to the Chapel Office. Forms are located online and must be submitted by the third week of classes each semester. See form for more information.
Percent reduced is based on how many times per week students have approved conflicts with Monday, Wednesday, and Friday gatherings at 10:25 a.m. We are unable to approve reductions for on/off-campus employment or personal internships. A new application must be submitted for each semester.
Students who miss a week or more of classes due to a serious illness may file for two credits per each week of missed classes by having a medical notification sent to the Chapel Office within two weeks of illness. Students who are married or commuting should receive their reductions automatically.
Chapel accommodations are available for eligible students. Please contact the Chapel Office with any questions.