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Licensure Requirements


It is the responsibility of the teacher candidate to initiate the license process. The issuance of a license to teach is the responsibility of the State. In Massachusetts, the licensure agency is the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. All Gordon College students completing a teacher education program are urged to apply for a teacher license in Massachusetts. The possession of a Massachusetts teacher license may be helpful in obtaining a teaching license in a state not covered by the Interstate Agreement.

All teacher candidates will have the opportunity to apply for Massachusetts license during the last practicum seminar class. The cost of one license is $100. Each additional license is $25. The teacher candidate should bring a credit card or debit card to the last practicum seminar class. The Director of Teacher Licensure and Placement will submit the application materials to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Gordon's teacher education programs are approved by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC). Graduates of our programs are eligible to obtain an initial teaching license in the member states on the basis of the Interstate Agreement. Gordon College does not make final determinations about whether the program leads to professional licensure in states other than  Massachusetts. Some states may require additional tests or coursework. To determine whether Gordon's educational program will lead to professional licensure in your state, please contact your state's department of education. You may find contact information for your state with this link: https://www2.ed.gov/about/contacts/state/index.html. You may also reach out to the Gordon College Licensure Officer, Kim Winsor at .

The following states and territories are currently NASDTEC members:

Alabama Georgia Maryland North Carolina Utah
Alaska Guam Michigan North Dakota Vermont
Arizona Hawaii Mississippi Ohio Virginia
Arkansas Idaho Montana Oklahoma Washington
California Illinois Nebraska Oregon West Virginia
Colorado Indiana Nevada Pennsylvania Wyoming
Connecticut Kansas New Hampshire Rhode Island
Delaware Kentucky New Jersey South Carolina
District of Columbia Louisiana New Mexico Tennessee
Florida Maine New York Texas


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