Gordon College logo

Brand Resources

Our brand is our being. It’s our personality, perception, influence and reputation all bundled together—it’s what people see when they see Gordon. Our updated brand visuals and message provide a consistent, compelling story based on our students’ ambition to becoming thriving contributors to society. These resources are designed to help you, a member of the Gordon community, share and embody the Gordon story well.

Quick links:

Brand Overview

Gordon logo and tagline

01 | Logo

Gordon logo

Marketing Logo

A bold and streamlined logo for promotion and marketing

The marketing logo is less-abstract and easier to read at small sizes and dovetails with our recently articulated brand story.

It communicates Gordon’s Christian faith foundation through our campus landmark, the chapel; highlights our coastal location; and nods to the hope and potential our graduates bring to the world.

Stylistically, it reflects Gordon’s warm community of growth, challenge and support through a more adventurous, down-to-earth and personal approach.

Gordon seal

Institutional Seal

The College’s seal represents our heritage, values and quality.

It is intended for formal contexts where it serves as a badge of quality. The seal would be used most often on its own, rather than arranged with “Gordon College” as a title.

02 | Messaging Framework


Learn to thrive


A Christian college where you are known, grown and prepared.

Academics that
build a career

Experiences that
build confidence

Christian community that
builds character

The tagline serves as the tip of the iceberg for the new messaging framework, which centers the student and their ambition to become a thriving contributor to society.

The line works in two ways. First, students are being equipped to thrive during their time at Gordon; they are gaining the tools they need to flourish in their career and community, and to have hope in the face of a changing world. But it also elevates the academic experience, which is crucial to both students and parents, and suggests that perhaps thriving can’t be fully realized without being challenged; students are learning in order to thrive.

03 | Color Palette

Gordon’s color palette is grounded in our historical blue, with cyan as the primary highlight. A range of secondary colors are inspired by our coastal New England location and historical ties.

Primary colors

Gordon Blue  |  100-69-7-30  |  #014983  |  PMS 294C
Scottie Cyan  |  100-0-0-0  |  #00AEEF  |  Process Cyan

Secondary colors

Snow Day
15% Cyan
Nautical Red
Barrington Gold
PMS 130C
Sea Spray
Night Marsh

04 | Typography


Gotham  |  Gordon College in Wenham, MA.

Gordon’s primary font is a strong and clear san-serif that works in a wide variety of contexts.


Amster  |  Gordon College in Wenham, MA.

A serif font that compliments Gotham with some added personality and flair to build off Gordon’s clean and modern aesthetic. Intended for use on headlines, callouts and accents.

Gordon brand system

Representing Gordon’s brand

Everyone at Gordon participates in telling our story. To help prevent redundancy, steward resources and maintain consistency, some things need to be approved by College Creative. When are approvals needed?

  • All written communications going off-campus and seen by more than 50 people must be proofed by editorial services.
  • Materials with the Gordon logo produced by a third party organization must receive approval from the Design Center. This includes electronic as well as printed material.
  • Any use of the logo not explicitly allowed in these guidelines must be approved by the Design Center.
  • To produce materials with outside vendors and not through the Design Center, you must receive prior approval from the Office of College Communications and Marketing and the Design Center.

You can download the resources you need with the links below: