Do you live near Gordon’s campus in Wenham, MA? Gordon offers AP course equivalents. You can join a college class on Gordon’s campus as a Dual Enrollment student.
ART 150 Art History
Credits: 4
Schedule: TR 08:00 AM - 09:35 AM
Course Description: Surveys development of art from cave painting through early Renaissance. Includes Western painting, sculpture and architecture as well as parallel non-Western developments.
BCM 101 Introduction to the Old Testament
Credits: 4
A - MWF 08:00 AM - 09:00 AM
B - MWF 09:10 AM - 10:10 AM
C - MWF 12:40 PM - 01:40 PM
Course Description: Examines the books of the Old Testament in their historical, cultural, and literary contexts. Highlights significant themes and theological messages of the Old Testament books, as well as the overarching narrative of the Old Testament.
BCM 103 Introduction to the New Testament
Credits: 4
A - MWF 09:10 AM - 10:10 AM
B - MWF 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Course Description: Examines the books of the New Testament in their political, social, geographic, literary, and religious contexts. Highlights important themes of each book, as well as the New Testament’s primary message.
BIO 105 Cell Structure and Function (with lab)
Credits: 2
Schedule: August 28-October 18
Lecture: MWF 09:10 AM - 10:10 AM
Lab 1: T 09:45 AM - 12:45 PM
Lab 2: T 01:15 PM - 04:15 PM
Lab 3: T 06:30 PM - 09:30 PM
Lab 4: R 09:45 AM - 12:45 PM
Lab 5: R 01:15 PM - 04:15 PM
Course Description: Concepts of cell structure and function. Cellular processes include respiration and photosynthesis, mitosis and meiosis. Weekly laboratory. Lab fee.
BIO 106 Genetics and Development (with lab)
Credits: 2
Schedule: October 21-December 19
Lecture: MWF 09:10 AM - 10:10 AM
Lab 1: T 09:45 AM - 12:45 PM
Lab 2: T 01:15 PM - 04:15 PM
Lab 3: T 06:30 PM - 09:30 PM
Lab 4: R 09:45 AM - 12:45 PM
Lab 5: R 01:15 PM - 04:15 PM
Course Description: Explores Mendelian, molecular and developmental genetics. Weekly laboratory. Lab fee.
CHE 111 Principles of Chemistry I (with lab)
Credits: 4
Lecture: MWF 01:50 PM - 02:50 PM
Lab 1: M 06:30 PM - 09:30 PM
Lab 2: T 09:45 AM - 12:45 PM
Lab 3: T 06:30 PM - 09:30 PM
Lab 4: R 09:45 AM - 12:45 PM
Lab 5: R 01:15 PM - 04:15 PM
Course Description: Presents fundamental principles and concepts of chemistry: stoichiometry; atomic structure; thermochemistry; elementary quantum theory; chemical periodicity; chemical bonding; molecular structure and geometry; properties of gases, liquids, solids and solutions; kinetic theory; and phase equilibria. Laboratory emphasizes quantitative measurement and develops investigative techniques and ability to interpret results. Previous high school or introductory college chemistry course strongly recommended.
COM 101 Visual Storytelling
Credits: 4
Schedule: TR 09:45 AM - 11:20 AM
Course Description: Develops knowledge and skills in applying basic media storytelling structures and techniques (including documentary, public relations, advertising, and scriptwriting) and basic visual design (including color theory, movement, and composition).
COM 152 Media and Society
Credits: 4
Schedule: MWF 01:50 PM - 02:50 PM
Course Description: Examines how media of mass communication both reflect and influence our culture. Considers how knowledge of environment and models for social interaction are affected by mediated communication, and how financial and organizational structures of media influence content and approach.
COM 241 Persuasive Speaking
Credits: 2 (8/28-10/18)
Schedule: MWF 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Course Description: Introduces the fundamental skills and preparation for presentational speaking. Students prepare and present multiple speeches: Informative, Persuasive, and Special Occasions.
CPS 101 Decoding Computer Science
Credits: 4
Schedule: TR 01:15 PM - 02:50 PM
Course Description: An introduction to the fundamental principles of Computer Science for non-majors from bits to artificial intelligence. Computation as a tool for solving problems, and computational thinking as a way of approaching problems in algorithmic terms. Application of computational thinking to problems arising in a broad variety of disciplines.
CPS 121 Introduction to Programming
Credits: 4
Lecture: MWF 12:40 PM - 01:40 PM
Lab: T 01:15 PM - 04:15 PM
Course Description: Introduces fundamental programming concepts using Python. Topics include the nature of algorithms, essential control structures, and data representation. Weekly programming laboratories. Lab with fee.
ENG 140 Core Seminar in English Literature
Credits: 2-4
4-Credit A: TR 11:30 AM - 01:05 PM Full
4-Credit B: TR 01:15 PM - 02:50 PM Full
2-Credit: MWF (8/28-10/18) 12:40 PM - 01:40PM
Course Description: Core seminar in literature will engage with the literature of two or more global cultures and explore the value of studying literature from a Christian perspective. Students will apply close reading strategies to facilitate critical thinking and thoughtful class discussion, and use writing to engage with literary texts and contexts.
ENG 141 Western Literature
Credits: 4
Schedule: MW 08:00 PM - 09:35 PM Full
Course Description: Studies selected literary works in European cultural tradition from ancient Greece through the modern period.
FRE 101 Beginning French I
Credits: 4
A: MWF 01:50 PM - 02:50 PM
B: MWF 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Course Description: Introduction to French language and Francophone cultures with practice in four skills associated with language learning: listening, speaking, reading and writing. FRE101 conducted primarily in French.
HIS 121 Historical Perspectives
Credits: 4
A: MWF 01:50 PM - 02:50 PM
B: MWF 08:00 AM - 09:00 AM
C: MWF 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Course Description: Examines culture-building, development and change, and interaction of diverse peoples across a broad swath of history. Explores Christianity from its Middle Eastern roots through Renaissance/Reformation to global cultures of the contemporary world in political, technological, social, and cultural contexts. Investigates Christian traditions, missionary endeavors, reform movements, and relationships between adherents of different world religions. Introduces critical evaluation of historical evidence. Does not count toward a history major.
HIS 131 Survey of US History and Geography
Credits: 4
Schedule: MWF 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM Full
Course Description: This course offers an overview of American history from the colonial era to the present, as well has highlighting geographical connections between the US and the world. It has been crafted to provide education majors with a general background enabling them to teach American history according to Massachusetts frameworks.
LAT 101 Beginning Latin - Hybrid (online/in person)
Credits: 4
Schedule: M 06:00 PM - 07:30 PM on campus
Course Description: Dive into the world of ancient Rome with our introductory Latin course! With a focus on immersive learning, you'll start building your vocabulary with over 700 words right from the get-go. Tackle the Latin case system head-on and explore a variety of historical and cultural topics that bring the Roman world to life. From understanding the intricacies of Roman family life to discussing the empire's vast road networks, slavery, military strategies, calendars, and more, you'll gain a comprehensive insight into a civilization that shaped history. And the best part? You'll learn Latin by reading Latin – from day one! This course is uniquely designed around a fictionalized account of a Roman family in the first century, providing context and narrative to your language journey. Join us and experience the thrill of reading and understanding Latin as it was meant to be!
MAT 111 Intro to Applied Calculus
Credits: 4
Lecture A: MWF 01:50 PM - 02:50 PM
Lecture B: MWF 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Lab 1: T 08:30 AM - 09:30 AM
Lab 2: T 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM
Course Description: Use of functions to model relationships in the natural and social sciences, introduction to differential calculus and the concept of integration. Includes exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions. For students with high school algebra.
MAT 121 Calculus I
Credits: 4
Schedule: MWF 09:10 AM - 10:10 AM
Course Description: Introduces the theory of limits, continuity, differentiation, and integration. Methods for differentiating algebraic and transcendental functions; some applications of derivatives. Prerequisite(s): SAT math score >=550; ACT math score >=23; calculus diagnostic score >=15.
MUS 250 College Choir
Credits: 1
Schedule: TR 11:30 AM - 01:05 PM
Description: Music Ensemble. Admission by audition. Representative music from each period of music history studied and performed. A minimum of three to five hours of rehearsal and participation in all public appearances are required. Designated as repeatable for credit. See Music Student Handbook. Fee for ensemble attire.
MUS 252 Men's Choir
Credits: 1
Schedule: TR 04:40 PM - 06:10 PM
Description: Music Ensemble. Admission by audition. Representative music from each period of music history studied and performed. A minimum of three to five hours of rehearsal and participation in all public appearances are required. Designated as repeatable for credit. See Music Student Handbook. Fee for ensemble attire.
Fulfills major ensemble requirements for music majors.
MUS 254 Women's Choir
Credits: 1
Schedule: TR 04:40 PM - 06:10 PM
Description: Music Ensemble. Admission by audition. Representative music from each period of music history studied and performed. A minimum of three to five hours of rehearsal and participation in all public appearances are required. Designated as repeatable for credit. See Music Student Handbook. Fee for ensemble attire.
Fulfills major ensemble requirements for music majors.
PHI 118 The Examined Life
Credits: 4
Schedule: TR 09:45 AM - 11:20 AM
Course Description: Introduces students to important historical and thematic issues about what it means to be human: Who are we? What is our place in the cosmos and how do we relate to the natural world around us? What does it mean to find an object or work of art beautiful? What does it mean to live well as opposed to just living? What is the best way to live well together as a society of persons? How can we know what is true? And how, given that we are made in God’s image, are we to understand our relationship to God?
Fulfills common core requirement.
PHY 111 General Physics I (with lab)
Credits: 4
Lecture: MWF 12:40 PM - 01:40 PM
Lab A: T 06:30 PM - 09:30 PM Full
Lab B: W 06:30 PM - 09:30 PM
Course Description: Noncalculus introduction to physics including classical mechanics, wave motion, thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism and optics. Separate laboratory section required. Lab fee.
POL 104 American National Politics
Credits: 4
Schedule: TR 08:00 AM - 09:35 AM
Course Description: Critically examines basic commitments, institutions and processes of American politics; engages contemporary political debate; focuses on Constitution, political culture, interest groups, parties, Congress, Presidency and Supreme Court.
POL 105 Perspectives on Political Order
Credits: 4
Schedule: TR 11:30 AM - 01:05 PM
Course Description: Explores basic political concepts, systems and problems in worldwide context. Encourages development and use of Christian worldview to transcend existing modes of understanding and practicing politics.
POL 106 International Relations
Credits: 4
Schedule: MWF 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Course Description: Studies relations among nations, politics of war and peace, elements and limits of national power, issues of hunger, development and human rights. Emphasizes American involvement in world affairs; examines Christian options.
PSY 180 Person in Psychological Context (Intro to Psychology) Fills up fast! Apply Early!
Credits: 4
A: MWF 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
B: MWF 01:50 PM - 02:50 PM
Course Description: Explores psychological perspectives on the nature of persons in a cross-cultural context. Focuses on research and theory, and introduces the discipline of psychology. Topics addressed include learning, development, social behavior, physiology, personality, memory, emotion, thinking, and diagnosis and treatment of disorders.
SPN 101 Beginning Spanish I
Credits: 4
A: MWF 12:40 PM - 01:40 PM Full
B: MWF 01:50 PM - 02:50 PM
Course Description: Introduction to Spanish language and Hispanic cultures with practice in four skills associated with language learning: listening, speaking, reading and writing. SPN101 conducted primarily in Spanish
Fulfills common core requirement.
THT 110 Acting for Non-Majors
Credits: 2
Schedule: August 28-October 18, TR 09:45 AM - 11:20 AM
Course Description: Geared toward students not majoring in theatre, this course explores the study and practice of acting; how actors fuse thought, emotion, and action into the truthful performance of a character. The course is designed to benefit students contemplating a career involving public communication.
THT 234 Introduction to Theatre
Credits: 4
Schedule: W 01:00 - 04:00
Course Description: Introduces all major areas of theatre, including acting, design, directing and writing. Open to all students as option for fine arts requirement of general core and includes experience-oriented, hands-on lab time as well as reflective assignments in play analysis and performance criticism.