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IRB Level 1: Class Projects

Your research project is solely for educational purposes and does not pose significant risks to participants.  It is classified as a Level 1 and is eligible for expedited review by the IRB committee. If you are a student, the project must be approved by your professor or advisor and you must fill out the following form before proceeding.

Please note that if your research methods change significantly or you decide to publish your findings, you may have to receive IRB approval. In that event, please revisit this site.

If you have further questions, please fill out the IRB Contact form.

IRB Expedited & Exempt 2.2

This is the IRB form for exempt research projects conducted by Gordon Students.

1. Principal Investigator Name

2. Principal Investigator Email

3. Advisor/Sponsor Name

4. Advisor/Sponsor Email

5. Title of Research Project

6. Additional Investigators (list all names as appropriate)

7. Project Start Date (mo/day/year)

8. Anticipated Project End Date (mo/day/year)

9. Do you intend to publish your project in a form that will be accessible outside of Gordon College?


10. Does your research involve active deception or incomplete disclosure of information to participants?


11. Does your research involve children (under 17) or other vulnerable populations?


12. Does your research expose participants to discomfort or distress beyond that normally encountered in daily life?


13. Could disclosure of participant's responses outside the research potentially place them at risk of criminal or civil liability or be damaging to their financial standing, employability, or reputation?


14. Does your research involve participants recruited from off-campus to participate in the experiment?


15. If you have answered "No" to all questions, your research project is exempt from review by the IRB at Gordon. Please note that if your research methods change significantly or you decide to publish your findings, you may have to receive IRB approval. In that event, please revisit this site. A copy of your responses will be sent to the IRB and to your Advisor/Sponsor.


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