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Lindsay Hogan’s La Vida Experience

La Vida participant and Sherpa from 2004–2009

Senior Salesforce Administrator
Boston, MA 

Growing up, my parents would tell me that I couldn’t even cook spaghetti. 

So naturally, I applied to be the kitchen manager for a summer camp’s 20-person staff. 

Although cooking wasn’t always my strong suit, I felt empowered by the director, Nate Hausman, as he trusted me with an entire camp kitchen. He would tell me to use the resources around me instead of searching for the easy way out of problems. That is one of the skills that I use every day: how to use whatever you have around you to move forward in the task in front of you.

In addition to the people of the program that encouraged me to push myself and learn new things, I love that the La Vida program encourages people from all walks of life to get outside. The organization recognizes that people are coming from different contexts and that each wilderness experience will be different due to the very nature of whom each person is and where they are coming from.