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Home Safety Assessment

Did you know that fifty to sixty percent of falls happen in a person’s home?
In combination with home therapy, a home safety assessment will be performed, which will help lessen the risk of avoidable falls at home. A therapist will assess your home and your movement within the home to identify areas that may be creating a fall risk.

As a result, the therapist will suggest modifications needed to lessen your risk of falls and make movement within your home safer and easier. Modifications can be as simple as moving or removing furniture or clutter that create trip hazards or make negotiating a particular space difficult. The therapist can also provide suggested locations for grab bars in key areas such as the bathroom or bedroom. The therapist may also make suggestions for mobility aids such as bed rails, elevated seat heights or railings on steps and stairs. Home safety assessments are covered by most insurances. 

For further questions or to schedule an appointment, please contact us at 978-867-4095.