Gordon College campus

Master of Education - Education of Young Children (Bilingual, On-campus)


Bridging Early Childhood Education in China and the United States



美国戈登学院(Gordon College)教育学硕士(早期儿童教育方向)响应新时代对早教迫切需求的倡导,旨在为国际早期教育培养高水平的职业教师和专家,更有效地帮助和支持儿童的学习。


This program offers a professional and practical international early childhood curriculum that guides and promotes international innovation and practice in early childhood education. This program is bilingual and Chinese-friendly, and provides a broader international perspective and opportunities for early childhood educators, professionals, and family members with high expectations for their children's education who wish to learn about the latest theories and methods in early childhood education.

This program provides students with access to the latest information and resources in the field, dialogues with world-renowned early childhood experts, visits to typical early childhood organizations and programs in different countries and regions, as well as opportunities to work internationally.

Much of the world's education crisis stems from the lack of adequate early childhood education and care in children's early years. Early childhood education is developing globally and dynamically. In response to demand, universities and communities are increasing investment, knowledge and innovation to support the expansion of early learning programs. The World Bank is funding 50 early childhood education projects totaling more than $1 billion.

Currently, the development of high-quality early education is hampered by several factors: a lack of qualified professional teachers, age-appropriate curricula, and well-established quality assurance mechanisms. In response to these realities, providing quality early childhood education programs, offering developmentally appropriate curricula, and improving the professional development of teachers have become important strategies for the development of early childhood education around the world.

The Master of Education, Education of Young Children (bilingual) program from Gordon College (USA) responds to the advocacy of the urgent need for early childhood education in the new era, and aims to cultivate high-level professional teachers and specialists for international early childhood education, and to help and support children's learning more effectively. This program provides the unique learning opportunities developed through the National Association for Educating Young Children's core learning standards. It includes 30 semester hours of courses for birth through the third-grade teachers and other early childhood professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in curriculum, teaching, and assessment in the inclusive early childhood education settings.


Top benefits of the Master of Education, Education of Young Children (bilingual) On-Campus program

  • 01导师权威指导;学术背景提升;获得高层次资源
  • 02、获得早期教育前沿知识;助力工作生涯进一步发展
  • 03、灵活度高;学习方式灵活,适合希望在日常早期教育实践中提高相关专业知识的人群
  • 01. Instructor’s comprehensive and guidance; academic background enhancement; access to high-level resources
  • 02. Access to cutting-edge knowledge of early education; professional development
  • 03. High flexibility; flexible learning style, suitable for people who wish to improve relevant professional knowledge while practicing early education daily


Benefits from Program


First, in terms of academic, the education from Gordon College will provide you with a solid theoretical framework, professional and ethical basis, which is the focus of renowned institutions and graduate schools, and is also the foundation of your career development. Second, in the multiple cooperation of international educational resources, we will organize students and fellow educators to visit internationally renowned educational institutions and research centers, and exchange seminars with internationally renowned scholars. In the international early childhood education seminar, national early childhood education annual meeting and other high-level events, special lectures and academic exchanges, in the international platform to show academic research capabilities.

In addition, in terms of expanding connections, graduate students of Gordon College are located all over China and abroad. In terms of personal development, they can get more extensive and in-depth opportunities for improvement and cooperation. Teachers can improve their academic qualifications while enhancing their professional competitiveness, and their career planning is more far-reaching.


From the Graduates


Graduate from Master of Education, Education of Young Children (bilingual), 22’ Hui, Zhu - CEO of Guanhua Education, Shanghai, China During my graduate studies, I discovered that the practical significance and impact of children's action research required long-term scientific research with extensive data and case studies, which led to the establishment of a research center at my own early childhood education institution to promote practical scientific research in early childhood education.

22 届戈登学院教育学硕士毕业生·徐梅,国际学校教师

Graduate from Master of Education, Education of Young Children (bilingual), 22’ Mei, Xu - Teacher of an International school After gaining knowledge and practice in international early childhood education through the Master of Education, Education of Young Children (bilingual) program, I was very fortunate to receive a U.S. work visa to bring high-quality early childhood education to the children at the Sino-American International School.




The Master of Education, Education of Young Children (bilingual) program consists a series of required courses for all students that can be completed in as few as 12 months with 3 courses per quarter. Courses are met once a week online and twice a year on campus with one week for each. Internship opportunities will be provided during the course of study.

美国戈登学院(Gordon College)教育学硕士集中学习时间为 1 年,美移民局会为录取学生签发 I20 留学申请表,学生可前往就近大使馆申请F1学生签证,同行家属也可申请F2家属签证,赴美到校学习、实践及参加毕业典礼。优秀毕业生,可推荐本地就业,也可继续深造。全部课程合格,GPA需达到3.0以上,授予Gordon College教育学硕士学位证书。

The course duration of Master of Education, Education of Young Children (bilingual) program is one year. The U.S. Immigration will issue I20 application forms to admitted students. Students can apply for a F1 student visa and F2 visa for dependants in the purpose of going to the U.S. to attend offline study sessions, internship, and graduation ceremony. Outstanding graduates may be recommended for local employment or further study. Students who pass all courses with a GPA of 3.0 or higher are awarded the Gordon College Master's Degree in Education.


Course list



EDU-535 Families, Schools, and Community Impact on Students’ Learning


EDU-535 Families, Schools, and Community Impact on Students’ Learning- Lab


EDU-538 Theory and Practice for Early Childhood Education




EDU-532 Technology in Early Childhood Ed


EDU-532 Technology in Early Childhood Ed- Lab


EDU-574 Classroom Teaching and Organization Early Childhood Settings




EDU-537 Assessment, Tests, and Measurement


EDU-537 Assessment, Tests, and Measurement-Lab


EDU-577 Action Research in Early Childhood Education Methods




EDU-536 Early Childhood Education in Diff Cultures


EDU-585 Professionalism in Early Childhood Education


EDU-578 Exceptional Learning in Early Childhood Education



Admission & Registration


Admission and Information Inquiry? E | [email protected]

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Ways of Learning


Lecture + Practicum (can be held in China or the US)


STEP 1: 入学报名及资格申请

  • 凡意向申请该项⽬学习者需要具备如下条件:
  • 01、学历学位:⼤学本科及同等学历⽔平 
  • 02、⼯作年限:要求 2 年以上⼯作经验 
  • 03、语⾔要求:有效期内的任一GMAT/TOEFL/IELTS 成绩单原件扫描件或四级/六级成绩单(中国)原件扫描件,如条件优秀通过笔试及⾯试者,可豁免英语成绩要求 。
  • * 申请者需符合本项⽬公布的入学要求。 

STEP 1: Enrollment Application

  • Those wishing to apply for the program must meet the following requirements:
  • 01. Degree: Bachelor's degree or equivalent.
  • 02. Years of Experience: At least 2 years of work experience is required.
  • 03. Language Requirements: Scanned original GMAT/TOEFL/IELTS transcripts or original Grade 4/6 (Chinese) transcripts within the validity period, or exemption from the English language requirement if the applicant has passed the written exam and interview.
  • * Applicants should meet the program's admission requirements.

STEP 2: 递交资料

  • 申请报名请准备如下资料,线上递交。务必为清晰的 PDF/JPEG 格式文件。所有原件在面试入学时查验。 
  • 01、最高学历和学位证原件扫描件(英文原件或中文+英文翻译件) 
  • 02、最高学历成绩单原件扫描件(须学校盖章),英文原件或中文+英文翻译件,非应届毕业生可以申请豁免。 
  • 03、英语成绩:有效期内的任一GMAT/TOEFL/IELTS 成绩单原件扫描件或四级/六级成绩单(中国)原件扫描件。申请人如果符合豁免条件⽆需提供此项证明。
  • 04、申请者的个人简历(中英文双语) 
  • 05、申请者的个人陈述(申请报名学习本项⽬的原因,中英文双语) 
  • 06、推荐人及推荐信:申请者需提供⾄少 2 位推荐人的相关信息(包括推荐人姓名、单位、职务、以及推荐信。中英文双语) 
  • 07、其他⽀持性文件原件扫描件,如有相关能⼒证书、职业等级证书、 获奖证书等。(中英文均可)

STEP 2: Required Documents Submission

  • To apply for admission, please prepare and submit the following documents online. All documents must be in clear PDF/JPEG format. All original documents will be checked during the admission interview.
  • 01. Original scanned copies of your highest academic degree and diploma (English original or Chinese + English translation).
  • 02. Original scanned copy of your highest academic degree transcript (must be stamped by the school), English original or Chinese + English translation, not recent graduates can apply for an exemption.
  • 03. Proof of English level: scanned original GMAT/TOEFL/IELTS transcripts or scanned original Grade 4/6 transcripts (Chinese) within the validity period. This document is not required if the applicant qualifies for a waiver.
  • 04. Applicant's resume (bilingual in English and Chinese)
  • 05. Applicant's personal statement (reasons for applying to the program, bilingual in English and Chinese)
  • 06. Letters of Recommendation: Applicants must provide information on at least two references (including name, organization, position, and letter of recommendation).
  • 07. Scanned originals of other supporting documents such as credentials, certificates of employment, awards, etc. (Both Chinese and English are acceptable).

STEP 3: 面试审核

项⽬招⽣委员会对申请者资料进行审核及评估筛选,递交资料后,预计⼯作人员在 8 个⼯作日内将初审结果通知申请人。经筛选入围者将获邀参加入学考试(包括笔试和⾯试)。 

STEP 3: Interview

The Project Recruitment Committee will review and evaluate the applicant's profile and notify the applicant of the results of the preliminary screening within 8 working days after submission. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to participate in an entrance examination (both written and face-to-face).

STEP 4: 学籍注册

⼯作人员将⾯试结果通知申请人。通过入学申请的学⽣在 Gordon College (Wenham) USA. 进行正式的学籍注册。

STEP 4: Registration

Applicants will be notified of the results of the interview by the staff. If the application for admission is approved, the applicant will be officially enrolled at Gordon College (Wenham) USA.

STEP 5: 正式入学 

开学典礼:每年9⽉,届时Gordon College校长、教育学院院长等校领导致辞,迎接新⽣入学。(具体日期等细节或将有所调整,以学校最终通知时间为准。) 

STEP 5: Official Enrollment

Classes begin in September of each year and the program lasts 12 months. The course of study is divided into four quarters as detailed in the program curriculum. September each year as school starts, the President of Gordon College, the Dean of the School of Education, and other school officials give a speech welcoming new students to the school (dates and other details are subject to change at the time of final notification by the College).

STEP 6: 学费与奖学金

  • 01、报名⾯试费:100美元 
  • 02、学籍注册及管理费:2900美元
  • 03、学费:28900美元
  • 04、奖学金:成绩优异者可获得奖学金,以及更多的游学深造与实习机会,同时对优秀毕业⽣在中美推荐就业。 
  • 备注:每一阶段进行相关项⽬缴费。报名费及学籍注册费一旦缴纳即产⽣相应服务,因此不予退还。 

STEP 6: Tuition and Scholarships

  • 01. Application Fee: USD$100
  • 02. Registration and Administrative Fee: USD$2900
  • 03. Tuition & Fees: USD$28,900
  • 04. Scholarships: Scholarships are available for those with outstanding academic records, as well as for further study trips and internships. Employment in China and the U.S. is recommended for outstanding graduates.
  • Note: Fees are payable at each stage of the program. Application and enrollment fees are non-refundable, as payment of these fees results in the creation of a service.

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美国戈登学院(Gordon College)教育学硕士(双语)项目管理及教学工作的教授团队由多位拥有30年以上国际化早期教育工作及教学经验的优秀博士生导师及相关领域专家组建而成。导师团队成员除在中美各个著名高等学府任教,同时还担任相关社会职务。例如在美国国家公共部门担任顾问和政策制定者、美国国家或州立幼教中心设计与运营专家、美国早期教育学会 NAEYC 国际早期教育顾问、美国国家教师教育认证委员会 ACEI 项目评审主席等。优秀的执教团队为中国早教从业者及家庭打开国际高端早教视野,快速提升个人专业能力,助力培养未来对社会、国家及人类有责任感和突出贡献的人才。

The faculty of Gordon College's Master of Education, Education of Young Children (bilingual) program consists of a number of outstanding doctoral advisors and experts with more than 30 years of experience in international early childhood education and teaching. In addition to teaching at prestigious institutions of higher learning in China and the United States, the faculty members also serve in related community positions. For example, they have served as consultants and policy makers in the U.S. public sector, as experts in the design and operation of U.S. national and state ECE centers, as early education consultants for NAEYC, and as chairs of the ACEI program of the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCTE). The excellent teaching team opens the international high-end early childhood education vision to Chinese early childhood practitioners and families, rapidly improves personal professional ability, and helps cultivate future talents with a sense of responsibility and outstanding contribution to society, country and humanity.


2003年 马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校,教育学博士,幼儿教育/儿童与家庭,导师:J.Kevin Nugent 
1990年 华东师范大学,哲学硕士,中国上海 
1986年 铜陵学院,语言(TESOL)学士,中国铜陵 

罗妮丽教授在中国长大,心系那些没有太多机会的儿童和妇女。她致力于通过教育增强全世界儿童和妇女的能力。来美国之前,她在中国安徽农业大学担任教授。她积极参与中国福利院的改革,帮助被遗弃的孤儿。1997 年赴美后,她在汉普郡学院从事福特基金会资助的研究,并在马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校完成了博士学业。她曾在蒙大拿州西部大学和堪萨斯州西南学院任教。2013 年至 2017 年期间,她曾担任 NAEYC 董事会成员。她还担任 NAEYC 及其他幼儿教育组织的全球幼儿教育顾问。

Nili Luo, Ed. D Professor of Education

2003 University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts
Ed.D., Early Childhood Education/Child and Family, Advisor: J. Kevin Nugent
1990 East Normal University, Shanghai, China M.A., Philosophy
1986 Tong Ling University, Tongling, China B.A., Language (TESOL)

Nili Luo, was raised in China and has a heart for children and women who have not been given many opportunities. She has dedicated her work to empowering children and women throughout the world through their education. Prior to her arrival in the U.S, she was a classroom teacher and later a professor at Anhui Agricultural University in China. She was actively involved in reforming China’s Welfare Institution to help abandoned orphans. After coming to the U.S. in 1997, she conducted research funded by Ford Foundation at Hampshire College, and completed her doctoral work at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. She has taught at University of Montana-Western as well as Southwestern College in Kansas. She served at NAEYC as a governing board member at large during 2013-2017. She also works as global Early Childhood Education consultant for NAEYC as well as other early childhood organizations.

Nili’s specific research interests include examining the differences and similarities of parenting and teaching young children from different cultural backgrounds, as well as, curriculum design and providing professional development for early childhood educators.


Ashley 老师
微信同号 13352985235