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Smiling woman with grey hair and glasses in a navy blue blouse

Marnie Nair

Associate Professor in Education

B.A. UC Berkeley, Comparative Literature
M.A. Teachers College, Columbia University, Special Education, Learning Disabilities
Ed.D. Harvard Graduate School of Education, Human Development and Psychology, Language and Literacy


Marnie Nair began her career as a classroom teacher in urban schools in New York City and Washington, DC. She later served as a school principal in New Orleans before founding and leading a charter school in San Diego serving primarily newly arrived refugee student from war-torn countries around the world. Marnie has consulted domestically and abroad for non-profits and governmental agencies on issues related to educational research, practice, and policy.
Her research and has centered primarily around adolescent literacy and providing educational opportunities for the most disadvantaged students. 
She loves helping young people discover and thrive in their callings and traveling to far-flung locations.