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Mission Reference Form

GCSM Leadership Reference Form

Your input is very helpful in selecting leaders for Gordon College Student Ministries. Thank you in advance for your comments about the applicant. This form will be used in conjunction with an application, interview, and other references. THIS FORM WILL TIME OUT AFTER 10 MINUTES. PLEASE CUT AND PASTE YOUR LONG ANSWERS INTO A WORD DOCUMENT BEFORE SUBMITTING SO THAT YOU CAN SAVE ANY DATA THAT MIGHT BE LOST IN A TIME ERROR.

1. Applicant's name:

2. Your name:

3. How long have you known the applicant?

4. How do you know him or her (in what capacity)?

5. Please rank the applicant's Christian commitment.

6. Please rank the applicant's ability to apply scripture.

7. Please rank the applicant's leadership potential.

8. Please rank the applicant's emotional strength.

9. Please rank the applicant's communication skills.

10. Please rank the applicant's work ethic.

11. Please rank the applicant's organizational skills.

12. Please rank the applicant's ability to earn the respect of his/her peers.

13. Please rank the applicant's ability to work with others.

14. Comments/clarification about your responses in questions 5-13

15. Listed below are some traits that may limit the applicant's effectiveness in some positions. Please check any traits you have observed in the applicant (presence of these traits will not automatically disqualify a student from a leadership position)

very critical
jokingly critical
easily embarassed
easily offended
easily discouraged
easily depressed
easily irritated
frequently worried or anxious
frequently nervous or tense
prejudice towards groups, races, or nationalities
given to exclusive and absorbing friendships
lacking in humor or unable to take a joke

16. Comments/clarification about any of the items you checked in question 15.

17. What are some of the applicant's gifts?

18. What are some areas in which the applicant needs further development?

19. What leadership traits does the applicant possess?

20. Based on your knowledge of the applicant, please explain how you feel she/he would perform in a ministry leadership position.

21. Do you feel that the applicant could commit to a ministry leadership position without jeopardizing her/his academic performance?


22. Do you recommend this student for a ministry leadership position through Gordon College Student Ministries?

Strongly recommend
Recommend with reservations
Do not recommend


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