Practicum Survey: Winter 2018

Practicum Evaluation: 2018 Winter

For each of the following questions, select the number that best represents your rating. For the questions that have options for comments, please fill in your comments in the space allotted. Your answers are totally anonymous.

1. Throughout the practicum, how well does the professor help you to understand the practicum expectations, requirements and means of evaluation through the Candidate Assessment Performance?

5 - Very Effective
4 - Somewhat Effective
3 - Neutral
2 - Somewhat Ineffective
1 - Ineffective

2. How clear and understandable is the professor's presentation of material needed to complete the practicum?

5 - Very Clear
4 - Clear
3 - Neutral
2 - Somewhat Unclear
1 - Unclear

3. Does the professor invite questions and comments to clarify the learning process?

5 - Consistently
4 - Sometimes
3 - Neutral
2 - Infrequently
1 - Never

4. Does this professor expect students to use developed skills and feedback to be successful on the Candidate Assessment of Performance?

5 - Strongly Agree
4 - Agree
3 - Neutral
2 - Disagree
1 - Strongly Disagree

5. How effectively would you say the professor responds to the questions and needs of the students?

5 - Very Effective
4 - Somewhat Effective
3 - Neutral
2 - Somewhat Ineffective
1 - Ineffective

6. Are there ways that the professor might respond more effectively to the needs of students?

7. How helpful did you find the professor's feedback on your work throughout the practicum?

5 - Very Helpful
4 - Helpful
3 - Neutral
2 - Somewhat Helpful
1 - Not Helpful

8. How prompt is the professor in getting back to you when contacted?

5 - Very Prompt
4 - Prompt
3 - Neutral
2 - Somewhat Prompt
1 - Not Prompt

9. Do you find the professor effective in preparing you to connect course material with your teaching content?

5 - Very Effective
4 - Somewhat Effective
3 - Neutral
2 - Somewhat Ineffective
1 - Ineffective

10. Are there ways that the professor might better help you grasp the course material?

11. Overall, I rate the practicum in helping me to grow as a teacher as:

5 - Very Helpful
4 - Helpful
3 - Neutral
2 - Somewhat Helpful
1 - Not Helpful

12. Overall, I rate this professor as:

5 - Very Effective
4 - Somewhat Effective
3 - Neutral
2 - Somewhat Ineffective
1 - Ineffective