Gordon College logo
Design Studio working in the print shop printing posters Working on the board Mike Gordon branding on lightpole

College Creative

Gordon's brand and marketing hub

College Creative is a team of writers, designers and creative thinkers managing Gordon's brand, marketing and communications. We aim to empower the whole campus to share Gordon's story effectively and authentically.

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We're the creative arm of the College, using words, artwork, video and code to share the story of transformation that happens at and beyond Gordon.  

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We manage the College’s brand through the website, signature publications, social media, video and advertising. We also offer a range of brand resources to help you translate Gordon’s brand story into materials for your specific audience.

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We can help brainstorm solutions for your marketing needs. If you know what you need, submit a project request to get the ball rolling. If you’re not quite sure or want to explore possibilities, to arrange a consultation.

College Creative comprises the Office of College Communications and Marketing and the Design Center. The best place to start is typically by emailing , but you can direct editing requests, web questions and Bell story ideas to the respective email addresses below:

Ready to start?